Friday, November 30, 2007

Two more babies.

The work of Save Abanondoned Babies and the Safe Haven Alliance is to promote both laws and education so newborns can be safely relinquished. All but two states have laws in place. We're still hunting down Nebraska and Alaska. It will happen. It must. Here in Illinois we had two more babies brought to Safe Havens this month. Those are two babies who are now with families who will fully adopt them within 60-days.What an amazing holiday gift! Thank you to these mothers who cared enough to make sure their newborns were safe.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Congratulations Mrs. NY US!

This weekend I travelled to Niagara Falls, N.Y. to watch my friend Lori Donaudy pass on the title of Mrs. New York United States. Lori has been an incredible queen! She is the best. Her director, Sheila Strassburg, is also amazing and held a great show. She made sure every one of the ladies had a good time and didn't walk away empty handed.

Several of us had the chance to meet up for lunch the days of the finals. Among us was none other than Mrs. United States herself, Stephanie Hunt. The Mrs. US crown is a substantial one. Stephanie it was fun meeting your family. I love that your husband wears a picture of you in crown on a shirt! He may make a U of M fan out of me yet. I also had the chance to meet one of Lori's dear friends Amy Bell. She was Mrs. NY US 2001. We're both are named Amy and we both have husbands named John. Coincidence? I hope to see more of her out there in pageantland soon;)

What competition! I will post pictures so you can see what I am talking about. In the end, Melissa Ognibene won the title. Congrats pretty lady! It's easy to see you have a great heart and a lot you will accomplish this next year.

1)Lori and I
2)The two Amy's
3)Top 8 Finalists
4)The New Mrs. NY!
5)Mrs. US and royalty

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My baby is 2 years old???

It's not fair! John is a little boy now and I must face it. He is such a little character. He spent most of his birthday deconstructing his Thomas the Train set. He carried that train with him everywhere and even tried to smuggle it into his bed. We had to be super sneaky about slipping it out of his tight grip. That child is strong! The last couple of years have flown by us. Before I know it, he will be dating and driving. There will be graduations and grand babies...but for now and ever, he will remain MY baby.

Happy Halloween!

This is our little man as half lion, half boy. He refused to wear the mane. I can't say I blame him. Dignity people!